Last week I found out something quite nice about our new house: my office (aka the room where we keep our computers and where we study) has the most flattering natural light. It totally put me in the mood to write posts about makeup! I already got a request to review Ecobrow. Is there anything else that you would like to see? Please leave me a comment below. Here’s the usual weekly round up…
Empties. This week I finished another lip tube of Waxelene. I have mentioned Waxelene many times before, but if you are not familiar with it you can read more about it here. It’s a very simple, yet effective balm that I like to use on lips/hands to condition them.
Wishlist. Lately I have been itching to expand my natural eye shadow collection, and after looking at the different options available I have decided to explore the Red Apple Lipstick range. I have only heard great things about their eye shadows, and some of the colors available look exactly like the colors that I am looking for, especially Yes You Canyon (a matte terracotta shade), and Clean Slate (a matte medium grey that looks just a tad on the plum side). Do you own any RAL eye shadows? If so, which ones do you like the best? You can see a few of my favorite eye shadows here and here, but I plan on doing a post about it because I have bought quite a few since my last post about eye shadows.
I have also been looking into different organization options for my beauty products as I no longer have the closet where I used to store all my makeup, skincare, and blogging equipment. I stumbled into this very luxurious makeup organizer called CosmoCube. It’s very expensive but looks like the perfect, dreamy makeup storage set. I already own a few acrylic storage containers like the Caboodles trays, brush holders, and some Muji Drawers, but the CosmoCube is the perfect size to store my makeup all in one spot, instead of having multiple small containers all over the place. How do you guys store your makeup?
Retinol? I think that I already mentioned how clear my skin has been lately. I certainly did not expect that during a time of stress, tiredness, and negligence it would have been blemish-free. Once things started to settle this week, I thought I would give Retinol a go again because why not, and because I had a bottle of YULI Modern Alchemist on my counter that was calling my name. Weeks ago I started to apply some all over my face every night and I woke up with pretty dry skin that was also a bit flakey in some spots, so I decided to take a break from it. This week I started to apply the tiniest amount only on fine lines and dark spots. I think that I may have just found the best way to add retinols to my regimen. I now only apply a small amount on targeted areas and so far, I have had no issues. Will report later about my long-term results.
Giveaway. In case you missed it, yesterday I posted my review of the MUN N0.11 Anarose Rejevenating Rose Toner* and MUN has kindly provided a bottle of the toner for one of you. It’s open internationally, so feel free to enter, wherever you live! Click here to read the post.
Lipstick Love. I went for so long without using makeup (except for the serum foundation and mascara) that now I am having a big eye shadow moment. Light smokey eye in the morning, strong smokey eye in the evening. The one lipstick I own that goes very well with strong eye looks is Ilia Beauty Humble Me. It’s quite pale and brown-ish, (not very flattering with minimal makeup), but it just works so well when paired with something darker on the eyes. What’s your go-to nude lipstick to wear with stronger eye looks? I am curious. I am also still using Funnel Of Love very often, because it’s the perfect peachy nude for every day simple makeup.
Til the next catch-up…